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padi unggul bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "padi unggul"
  • padi:    padddy; paddy; rice; rice grain; rice on stalk;
  • unggul:    excelling; getting the upper hand; got the upper
  • unggul:    excelling; getting the upper hand; got the upper hand; pre-eminent; supreme; be one up on (a person); excellence; superior; top; preeminence; excellent; note; splendid; upper; distinction; transcend
  • padi:    padddy; paddy; rice; rice grain; rice on stalk; stalk; sheaf of rice; grain plant; cultivated rice; grain; yagi; white rice; rice plant
  • bibit unggul:    a bit of blood
  • gas unggul:    ideal gas
  • ijtimak unggul:    great conjunction
  • manusia unggul:    superman; übermensch
  • ras unggul:    master race
  • saham unggul:    dated stock
  • secara unggul:    supremely
  • unggul atas:    had the edge on sbd; have the edge on sbd; having the edge on sbd
  • yang unggul:    preeminent
  • batang padi:    rice straw
  • belalang padi:    grasshopper
  • For the non-fertilizer category, PT Petrokimia Gresik produces superior rice seeds under the name Petroseed and Petro Hybrid, as well as decomposers named Petro Gladiator.
    Untuk kategori non-pupuk, PT Petrokimia Gresik memproduksi benih padi unggul dengan nama Petroseed dan Petro Hibrid, serta dekomposer bernama Petro Gladiator.